Salàrio Guilherme Alexandre dos Países Baixos

Rei - Holanda
Data de nascimento: 1967 Os Países Baixos
  • Anual: 972 584 299,00 Kz
  • Mensal: 81 048 691,58 Kz
  • Semanal: 18 703 544,21 Kz
  • Diariamente: 3 740 708,84 Kz
Guilherme Alexandre dos Países Baixos

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Este resumo é fornecido pela Wikipedia:

Guilherme Alexandre, em neerlandês: Willem-Alexander, é o Rei do Reino dos Países Baixos desde 2013, composto pelos Países Baixos, Curaçau, Aruba e o território de São Martinho, na ilha de São Martinho.

Página da Wikipedia sobre Guilherme Alexandre dos Países Baixos Sep 2023: 1.100.000 component A 5.700.000 component B Total: 6.800.000 2023: 1.035.000 component A 5.373.000 component B. Total: 6.408.000

Ad-nl Sep 2022: The king will receive 6.4 million euros next year. The A component is his personal income: 1,035,000 euros. That was 1 million this year. The rest of the amount, 5.4 million euros, is spent on the B component: expenditure on personnel and material expenditure. This includes the costs for the vehicle fleet of the Royal House Service.

Business Insider Sep 2021: King Willem-Alexander will receive a total of more than 6.1 million euros. For the first time, his income is slightly above 1 million. The other 5.1 million is to pay his staff and material expenses. march 2020: The monarchy received €44.4 million in funding for 2020. Of that, the King gets €5.9 million.
Business Insider Sep 2019: King Willem-Alexander will receive a "constitutional payment" of 949,000 euros next year. That is 23,000 euros more than this year, or an increase of 2.5 percent. In addition to their benefits, the three members of the Royal Family also receive an expense allowance, for which they have to pay their most direct employees, for example. Willem-Alexander will receive 4.94 million euros for this.

Miljoenennota 2020
A-component: € 949.000 inkomen
B-component: € 4.940.000 onkosten
Totaal: € 5.889.000

Miljoenennota 2019
A-component: € 926.000 inkomen
B-component: € 4.860.000 onkosten
Totaal: € 5.786.000

Miljoenennota 2018
A-component: € 902.000 inkomen
B-component: € 4.750.000 onkosten
Totaal: € 5.652.000

Miljoenennota 2017
A-component: € 888.000 inkomen
B-component: € 4.6600.000 onkosten
Totaal: € 5.548.000 Jan. 2016: uitkering
A-component: € 866.000 inkomen
B-component: € 4.540.000 onkosten Jan. 2015: Uitkering
A-component: € 823.000 inkomen
B-component: € 4.465.000 onkosten
Totaal: € 5.318.000, April 2013: Uitkeringen zoals begroot per 1 mei 2013
Koning (Willem-Alexander)
A-component: € 825.000 inkomen
B-component: € 4.408.000 onkosten
When becoming king on April 30th 2013 Willem-Alexander's salary will be 825.000 euros ($1.1 million) - the Dutch republicans want to lower this salary.
According to the web site of the royal family The Prince of Orange will 246,000 euro income and 1,140,000 for expenses in 2012.


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Update: 2023-9

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