Salàrio Ferd Crone

Deputado - Holanda
Data de nascimento: 1954 Netherlands
  • Anual: 2 310 831,00 MTn
  • Mensal: 192 569,25 MTn
  • Semanal: 44 439,06 MTn
  • Diariamente: 8 887,81 MTn
Ferd Crone
Este resumo é fornecido pela Wikipedia:

Ferdinandus Johannes Maria Crone é um político holandês. Ele nasceu em Dordrecht em 1954. Em 15 de novembro de 2007, ele tornou-se prefeito de Leeuwarden. Ele permaneceu prefeito até 26 de agosto de 2019, quando foi substituído por Sybrand Buma. Desde fevereiro de 2020 ele é membro da Primeira Câmara dos Estados Gerais.

Página da Wikipedia sobre Ferd Crone Jul 2023: As of 1 January 2023, an 'ordinary' member of the Senate i will receive a gross annual allowance of more than 34,000 euros, including holiday pay and year-end bonus. There will also be some expense allowances. Jul 2022: As of 1 July 2022, an 'ordinary' member of the Senate will receive a gross annual allowance of more than 32,800 euros, including holiday allowance and year-end bonus. There will also be some expense allowances. Jan 2021: Membership of the Senate is not considered a full-time position. The monthly compensation for members of the Senate is therefore lower than the compensation for members of the House of Representatives, namely € 2,304.30 per month (as of 1 January 2021).
The gross annual compensation for members of the Senate as of 1 January 2021 is therefore € 32,158.81 including holiday allowance and year-end bonus. Members of the Senate receive an end-of-year bonus in accordance with the scheme for civil servants.


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Update: 2023-1

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